Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
A deep and sincere apology is owed to you all. I haven't had time since the last entry to actually write this blog, a fact which has fatally and catastrophically undermined my expressed intention to write every day. Like an unreturned Snapchat or an unrequited poke, I am sure this newfound absence has come to dominate most of your lives, throwing your routines into disarray. But like the angels who visited the shepherds who watched flocks by night all seated on the ground (because it was Bethlehem, and no-one could afford the Wilko Round Patio Set), I say 'FEAR NOT' - I remain alive and writing. What have I been doing instead of revising like someone productive , I hear you ask? I was headed up to Cambridge a couple of days ago to see uni friends and collect books. Relatively recently I seem to have overcome my fear of entering Cambridge outside of term time: certainly a year ago I couldn't enter the city without at least a mild sense of exist...