
Showing posts from August, 2017


It is Tuesday, it is August, and I am back with NYMT rehearsing for Imaginary!! And what a fun half-week we've already had. We open a week tomorrow, which is nothing short of terrifying. What is to be said? Currently, nothing, because I am on voice rest, mainly because I enjoy the extra attention that this status brings. When I am very bored with work at Cambridge I often carry a sign around saying that I am on vocal rest and then spending the whole day performing elaborate mime. This is part of my general quest to bemuse as many people as possible before (and potentially after) I die. The voce is mostly fine at the moment, though an hour's silent blogging can only help. The problem with poor vocal health is that it totally creeps up with you, so you need to rest the voice BEFORE it's really bad if you want to actually prevent it from going downhill (vocal rest becomes a bit pointless once you've already lost your voice!). As anyone who knows me or who has read my l